Well Annie and I took Die Keinnamebahn to the New Mills & District Railway Modellers exhibition at Chapel-en-le-Frith this weekend and I was most pleased that it worked well all weekend with only track cleaning required between days and the odd spot clean towards the end of the days.
I thought I would share this picture as it has special meaning for us and my modelling. I built the loco using an A1 Models boxcab loco etch-brass kit. I used a Kato bogie chassis to power it and fitted an inexpensive Digitrax DCC sound chip in it. I named it after a nickname “Bravelady” that I gave my wife early in our relationship – she had to be to marry me!
I videoed it running on Cliffhanger when assisting showing that layout at Tyne & Wear and uploaded it to YouTube, letting my wife see it for the first time. Her reply was “when are you going to build the layout so I can play with it?”. So you can see that this is my carte blanche loco, worth it’s weight in gold for the encouragement she has given me in getting back into this hobby, and for turning a blind eye for the amount of money it has cost!
So this is Bravelady on her very first exhibition outing.