I am now able to offer an affordable ESU Loksound DCC sound decoder programming service to customers in the U.K. I can program ESU decoders from V2 to V5 (but not the Loksound Select Direct decoders as these are not reprogrammable with a new soundscape) either as a stand alone decoder or already installed in a locomotive.
I can program for you any of the locomotive sound profiles available for download from the ESU website (www.esu.eu) at a cost £20 per decoder plus insured return postage and, as a premium service, provide bespoke sound profiles assembled from elements in the ESU public sound library for a cost of £40 per decoder plus insured return postage.
I can program bare wire decoders, 6, 8, 18 and 21 pin decoders and also decoders already installed into 00/H0 16.5mm gauge , TT/H0m 12mm gauge and N/009/H0e 9mm gauge locomotives.
If you wish, you can design your own profiles using the free Windows Lokprogrammer software obtainable from the ESU website and send me a USB memory stick with all the required sound files and profiles for your project along with your loco and required decoder. I will then burn your profile to your decoder for £20 plus insured return postage.
Once your chip has been programmed you will be sent a link to a video file showing it working along with an invoice for payment via PayPal
Please note that any existing sound profile on your decoder will be lost because they are not downloadable from the decoder and are overwritten when the decoder is reprogrammed.
Please contact me via email at 009@retiarius.com for enquiries and for contact, postal and payment information.
Below is an ESU Loksound 4 sound decoder fitted Liliput D16 H0e Gauge locomotive that I programmed with a custom soundscape.