Well, we are now back home after the North Wales N Gauge Society show at Conwy. We were made most welcome by all the society members there and we had a lovely friendly show with hardly a gremlin in sight. Die Keinnamebahn ran perfectly and only needed occasion track and wheel cleaning to be able to reliably offer wireless DCC controlled train driving lessons to youngsters and oldsters alike. We had a lot of visitors interested in the layout and H0e and hopefully a few converts to using DCC. The organisers put us up in a lovely nearby B&B and Annie and I had a lovely time after the show finding various eateries. The Holland Arms at Trofarth, Abergele provided a superb Saturday night dinner for us both.
I am getting less and less enthralled with using H&M Seep PM4 solenoid point motors because they are needing more and more maintenance to get reliable switching of the point frogs and occasionally were not completing the ordered throw, causing derailments or shorting out of the track supply. I shall be undertaking ‘proving trials’ on two new low profile motorised point motors and also a pair of servo controlled low profile point brackets over the next few weeks to determine what will be the system I shall use on my new layout.